Subscription Cancellation and Refund Policy
iTravelDirect offers a 14-day trial period for only $1.00. During the 14-day trial period, you have the option to cancel your subscription before it is billed.
- Subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel them
- If you cancel, you can keep using the subscription until the next billing date
If you signed up with the 14-day trial subscription for $1.00 and don’t want to renew it, cancel it at least 24 hours before the trial ends.
If you are currently on a plan that has been billed, you are responsible for those charges. However, you can cancel future billing at any time. If you want to cancel, follow these instructions:
- If you activated your subscription directly from iTravelDirect, select the Billing tab.
Once a subscription charge has been billed, it is non-refundable.